Monday 27 October 2014

The history of the Scottish Terrier

The several grouping of  the highland Terriers including the Scottie is under the generic name of the Skye Terriers but there are some confusion of this breed's.  The actually records of the 16th century tell as the the Skye Terriers are forerunners of the Scottie or vice versa, so people is disagre about it. 
Scotties and the West Highland White Terriers are closely related. The Scotties and the West Highland White Terriers forefathers is originated from the Blackmount region of Perthshire and the Moor of Tannoch. Scotties were originally bred to hunt and kill vermin on farms and hunt badgers and foxes in the Highlands of Scotland.
They don't know how old the breed is but the first written record of the dog similar description to the Scottish Terrier is from 1436 when Don Leslie described them in his book "The History of Scotland 1436-1561".
Sir Joshua Reynolds had painted a portrait of a young girl caressing a dog similar in appearance to the mordern day Scottie two hunderd years after the book was writing 1436.

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