Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The muzzle of the Bull Terrier

The muzzle must be strong square and a firm lower jaw with a powerful bite. There must be forty – two teeth and the upper teeth should bite firmly over the lower teeth in a scissor bite. If the lower jaw is too long, we refer to it as undershot or a fish mouth and if the lower jaw is to short we call it the parrot – mouth or overshot. When the upper and lower incisors fit exactly n top of each anther we call it the pincer bite.

For the show the manner how the teeth bite is very important.  For the breeder is it a very challenge to produce a Bull Terrie with a good arched and a strong lower jaw with the right bite. The dog’s bite is very important when they judging the dog but not be over – emphasised when considering the whole dog. The teeth should be white, strong and fit well into the broad of the mouth. The lips must fit neatly around the teeth. 

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